Wednesday, November 19, 2008

UPDATED: Movin' On Up..

Ricky is in Room 329 at GF Strong
4255 Laurel Street
(604) 734-1313‎

Here is a link to GF Strong FAQ
(directions, visiting hours, things to consider when visiting, blah, blah, etc)


I just heard Ricky has already moved to GF Strong (see post below for address).

If anyone knows any details (about this or anything else that takes place during your visits) please post them in the comments section.

I, unfortunately, can't be there every day. Any help in keeping this as current as possible is appreciated.

I will update this post as soon as I confirm this. Keep your eyes peeled.


Infodemons said...

The VPL cyclists will be doing a circuit of GF Strong to shout their support for Ricky on Friday morning at 9.45am (give or take a few minutes) as part of the 22-branch fundraising ride.

We'll give GF Strong a call, but if anyone's seeing Ricky tonight or tomorrow and is able to let him know what time to look out for the riders that would be awesome.

Unknown said...

Go Cyclists!!!!!
I am going to sponsor one of the cyclists who will be doing the full route for $1 a Branch (I wish it could be more). I want to put a challenge out to ALL VPLers to match, or beat my pledge - there's gotta be a couple of you out there with a better cash-flow ratio than mine.
And just think - even if everyone on staff could do $1 a Branch, well - you do the math!!!!
-Miranda M. LA 1/2 Fine Arts & History

Infodemons said...

The VPL cyclists took a turn around GF Strong at around 9.45am this morning. We'd left messages at the centre as well as our posts here and at Facebook to try and make sure that Ricky knew we would be there today.

As we rode around the building, we saw a figure wearing a hoody watching from one of the windows. We stopped and waved and the figure held up a camera and took a picture. We're very much hoping that this was Ricky, though we were too far away to be sure. Whatever happened, we hope our buddy knows that we were riding for him and that our thoughts are with him as he works toward recovery from his injuries.

Go Ricky!

-- The VPL Bike Brigade

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you like your new place, Ricky! We'll be in tomorrow evening (Wednesday) to see you. Unfortunately we can't make it tonight because I have to work, but we have lots of DVDs for you! See you soon!