Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Double Dinner Debacle

The Jerkface Army invaded GF Strong at 1700 hours this eve.
(Roll Call: Rob, Ian, Jason and myself)

Ricky looked the best he has since this whole fiasco began, some 6 weeks ago.
When we arrived, he wheeled down the hall top speed to greet us. He had just finished dinner.
Right on our heels, his friend Brook (a chef, and all-around solid dude) made his daily visit, with Ricky's 2nd dinner in hand.
At least we know his appetite has returned to normal.
(Normal is a word I don't think I've ever associated with Ricky before..)

His short-term memory issues did not rear their head during our visit.
Ricky was ranting and raving about the staff of GF Strong.
No raving, but there was some ranting about VGH.

He was concerned about his financial situation.
His sick leave runs out in late December, and there will most likely be a gap between that and any sort of disability compensation.
(Very) rough guesstimate of when he will be mobile enough to function normally (twice in one post!) is anywhere from Spring-Summer.

I was hoping it would eventually be a surprise, but I wanted to put his mind at ease, so I told him that there were a few Ricky funds in circulation at VPL, on Level 4, and told him about the amazing fundraising abilities of the Bike Brigade.
He was so overwhelmed and moved he began to tear up a little.

After we made fun of him for being a crybaby, we assured him that all he had to do for his part, was to focus on getting back to 100% health, and to let us worry about the less important stuff.

Between the bikers and the rest of his co-workers we have raised quite a bit. There is still the TEAM RICKY haircut/bake sale/garage sale/fundraiser on the horizon next year.
If anyone else wants to contribute to our Jerkface fund, post a comment below, and we will arrange something.

Also, for those that have not had a chance to see him, your excuses have run out.
He's coming to you.
He has gotten the OK to attend the VPL Winter Ball..

That's all for now, kids.

Your pal and mine,


Ian Explosivo said...

I get to be in the army!


Gillian said...

OMG! I look forward to seeing him at the Ball.
Bummer about the fundraiser postponement. I need my tresses cut before the ball.

Infodemons said...

And the last few donations are still coming in to the bike brigade fund...I'll update with a final total in a week or so, but it looks like we're going to be very close to the $1300 mark.

Ian Explosivo said...

Also, 1700 hours?


Nuv said...

Right you are, Ian.
My bad.